Update from CAMPO Policy Board meeting – April 9, 2018
Update from CAMPO Policy Board meeting tonight (April 9, 2018). Our RM-620 representatives and advocates did a great job including Randy Lawson from Canyon Creek, Scott Crosby from River Place, Morgan Briscoe from West Austin Chamber of Commerce and Brian Thompto from your Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association. CAMPO board members have been hearing from you! Commissioner Brigid Shea spoke on behalf of other members including Councilman Jimmy Flannigan that they are moved to start a dialogue together w/ Cedar Park and TXDOT. Our work is not done yet! PLEASE keep up the work and continue to share the call to action (steinerranchna.org/fund-rm620/) – EMAIL CAMPO on funding RM-620 between US-183 and Mansfield Dam today (comments@campotexas.org) and contact your representatives to let them know we need this ASAP.
This is the document SRNA chairman Brian Thompto handed to the CAMPO policy makers before giving his remarks: “SRNA CAMPO Input April 9 2018“.