Group Strives to Maintain Community Quality of Life
Residents Launch Neighborhood Association for Steiner Ranch and Surrounding Community
First General Meeting February 29 To Garner Membership And Nominate Board Members
A group of residents have formed the Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association (SRNA) to serve as a voice for the community, including all of Steiner Ranch and surrounding areas in the “Land between the Lakes.” The non-profit SRNA is open to all residents and businesses within its boundaries.
The first general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, February 29, 7:00 PM, at Steiner Ranch Elementary School. All homeowners, renters, and businesses in the area are encouraged to attend the meeting to learn more about the SRNA, register for membership, nominate Board members, and get involved.
Voluntary membership dues for the first year are $50.00 per household or business. Membership signup, board nomination forms and general information are available now at www.steinerranchna.org.
“The SRNA is motivated by challenges the Steiner Ranch community has been facing this past year. These challenges include a destructive wild fire, a three hour evacuation, threats of energy rate hikes, and new mixed use development plans with unassessed impacts to traffic, schools, safety and security.”
“The SRNA will strengthen our community by organizing and engaging residents and businesses to address community wide challenges and be better able to deal with new challenges as they arise” says SRNA Temporary Chairperson Brian Thompto. “Our association will provide a recognized voice to represent our community with local officials and developers. As one example, we will advocate for development that is compatible with our community and preserves our quality of life.”
SRNA registered with the City of Austin December 1, and will continue to be notified of all development and proposed policy within the area.
There are many neighborhood associations in communities throughout the greater Austin area. The area within the SRNA boundaries includes multiple Home Owner Associations, the Longhorn Village retirement community, the Monterone apartment complex, churches, established and new businesses and areas for future development.
“On the development side, the community residents recognize that growth is inevitable. But what kind of growth and development is at question,” explains SRNA Communications Officer Paul O’Brien. “In addition, who is thinking about the real impact of such growth and development will have on our Steiner area schools, roads, and security? The SRNA will address all of this head on.”
The SRNA membership will elect seven Board members for the first year. Interested residents and business operators within the SRNA boundaries are encouraged to nominate themselves to serve up to a two year term. The SRNA will be forming issue oriented committees soon after electing a Board. Each committee will be composed of SRNA members. Members and interested parties can submit issue-oriented concerns online in a “Raise your voice” section of the steinerranchna.org website to help shape initial committee formation and objectives for the Board.
The timeline for SRNA formation is as follows:
- Now – online at www.steinerranchna.org – Membership and Board Nominations are Open and bylaws are available for review.
- Wednesday, February 29, 7:00 PM, Steiner Ranch Elementary – First General Meeting: Information session, membership signup, Board nominations and interest/issue signups will be available.
- Saturday, March 3 – Board Nominations Close online.
- Wednesday, March 7 – Voting for Board members Opens to Paid Members online.
- Tuesday, March 20 – Voting for Board members Closes online.
- Wednesday, March 28, 7:00 PM, Steiner Ranch Elementary – General Meeting with Elected Board
SRNA Boundaries:
The SRNA boundaries are Lake Austin to the South and to the West, Lake Travis and Tom Hughes Park to the North, and from Tom Hughes Park south to and along Steiner Ranch Boulevard, then Quinlan Park Road, then University Club Drive, including the area within ½ mile to the East.
What Residents are Saying about SRNA
“I hope this new association will provide reliable communication on various subjects beneficial to everyone in and around Steiner Ranch. I hope it addresses information about our schools, roads, traffic updates and other community news. I have lived in Steiner Ranch since 1999 and seen it change A LOT!”
-Tina Beamer; Majestic Oaks and now Emerald Ridge, Resident for more than 12 years
“As we have recently learned, proposed development projects will increase the number of residences at the entrance of Steiner Ranch by 25%, drastically affecting the safety, congestion, environment, and property values. A strong
neighborhood association will afford us better communication with our elected officials and governmental agencies. It can also provide centralized communication among the residents of Steiner Ranch and the surrounding
neighborhoods before another crisis occurs. Although I reside in the Hughes Park Lake Subdivision, I consider Steiner Ranch my community. The impeding traffic, safety and school overcrowding issues in Steiner Ranch will impact
surrounding neighbors as well. I believe stronger communication and greater financial support will enable the Steiner Ranch Neighborhood Association to become our collective voice – and a force to be reckoned with!”
-Carla George Hughes; Park Lake Subdivision, Resident for 1 ½ years
“The SRNA is important for several reasons: 1) Maintain the quality of life in the community that we have come to expect. 2) Have a positive influence on development in the front of Steiner Ranch. 3) Ensure that safety is paramount
as the community and business development grows.”
-Brian Clifton; Canyon Glen, Resident for 6 years
For More Information, contact:
Brian Thompto
Temporary Chairperson, SRNA
Paul O’Brien
Temporary Communications Officer, SRNA