RM-620 Call to Action / April 2018
We NEED YOU to help us get the attention of officials to fund RM-620 improvements.
RM-620 Call to Action / April 2018
In priority order:
- Provide critical input to the CAMPO 2019-2022 transportation improvement plan (TIP) here (you can also attend an open house):
Ask CAMPO by EMAIL for prioritization of improving RM-620 to a divided 6-lane highway north of Mansfield Dam to US-183: comments@campotexas.org. - Contact your local representatives (see contact list below) about the criticality of partnering to provide funding for RM-620 improvements from US-183 to Mansfield Dam.
- Take the longer range CAMPO regional arterials plan survey (this is separate from the email providing TIP feedback) and provide input on importance of funding RM620.
SURVEY: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/arterials18
RM-620 will still be in a “failing state” based on TXDOT’s level of service measure even after the already funded improvements at the RM-620/RM-2222 intersection are completed in 2020. Those who travel near Anderson Mill Road and RM-620 know this very well today. The RM-620/2222 and RM-620/Anderson Mill intersections as well as RM-620/Cavalier/Aria Drive in Lakeway will continue to be at an “F” level of service in 2020 with a forecast for the corridor to get much worse in the years ahead according to the TXDOT RM-620 corridor study concluded in 2017. This study identified the next step needed to address the dire congestion and safety issues already experienced along these segments of RM-620. The proposal is to go from a 4-lane flush median highway to a 6-lane raised median divided highway:
“The main improvement — constructing a raised median along the entire length of RM 620 and widening from four lanes to six lanes from SH 71 to Lakeway Boulevard and Quinlan Park Road to US 183 — would substantially reduce delay and improve safety by reducing conflict points along the corridor” (see pg. 62 of the study). The plan also notes that “Adding sidewalks and shared-use paths along RM 620 would allow for other modes of transportation” including separation of pedestrians and bicycle riders from vehicular traffic.
The $98 million southern portion of the project (south of Mansfield Dam) has been prioritized by TXDOT and is on the CAMPO TIP funding proposal for 2022. Of the project total, they are requesting $59 million from CAMPO, $39 million coming from TXDOT funds and $5 million each from the City of Lakeway and the City of Bee Cave.
Unfortunately, the northern end of the proposed improvement from US-183 to Mansfield Dam has no local funding partner for TXDOT and is not currently on the proposed projects list for the CAMPO TIP – meaning it is no-where in sight. This northern segment is multi-jurisdictional including the City of Austin, Travis County, the City of Cedar Park, and Williamson County. This means while there is no clear single owner, there are many parties who could chip in to partner with TXDOT and CAMPO to fund this project. Note that TXDOT prioritizes based on partner funding so the lack of any sponsoring support from the City of Austin, Travis County or Cedar Park puts this project out of contention.
“Given the strong local support from City of Bee Caves and City of Lakeway for the 6-lane divided southern section and the City of Austin’s funding commitment on the RM 2222/RM 620 intersection, TxDOT, along with CAMPO, have been able to address the funding gaps needed to advance these projects to letting.”
“As for the northern segment, there have been no strong indications of support or commitments from the local entities as compared to the southern segment, therefore, there are no plans at this time to advance the northern segment beyond the feasibility study. The northern 6-lane divided section is currently estimated at $121 million.”
A brief look at the TIP project list for CAMPO has many forward looking projects totaling hundreds of millions of dollars, but doesn’t prioritize RM-620 between US-183 and Mansfield Dam despite being the number one cited roadway in the CAMPO 2015 regional study and having major traffic problems NOW:
From the CAMPO 2040 Plan, Table 6: Priority Projects Identified By Respondents to Survey:
Travis County, top priority:
- RM 620 – Anderson Mill Rd. to SH 71 W
- Interstate 35 – Travis County – SH 45 North to SH 45 SE
- SH 45 – US 183 W to RM 2222 – Extend SH 45
Williamson County, top priority:
- RM 620 – US 183 to Anderson Mill Road
- Interstate 35 – Williamson County – SH 45 N to SH 195 N
- Anderson Mill Rd – Parmer Ln to Loop 1
We need your support more than ever to help get this project funded.
The clear next step for RM-620 is to request that our local governments partner with TXDOT to sponsor funding for RM-620 from US-183 to Mansfield Dam and to request that TXDOT and CAMPO take the lead in ensuring this critical multi-jurisdictional project doesn’t fall through the cracks.
None of the local governments have stepped up to own the problem or sponsor the solution – likely because they see this as “not only my problem”. But the criticality of RM-620 traffic issues and its dire forecast demand that each local government step up to do their part.
- Send comments for the TIP plan: due end of April (technically May 7, but the sooner the better) to: comments@campotexas.org
- Take the survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/arterials18
- Contact local government officials:
List of Local Government Contacts with jurisdiction along the north RM-620 project on the CAMPO Transportation Policy Board:
Steve Adler, Vice Chair, City of Austin Mayor 512.978.2100 email
Jimmy Flannigan, City of Austin Council Member District 6 512.978.2106 email
Alison Alter, City of Austin Council Member District 10 512.978.2110 email
Ann Kitchen, City of Austin Council Member District 5 512.978.2105 email
Matt Powell, City of Cedar Park Mayor 512.401.5000 email
Sarah Eckhardt, Travis County Judge 512.854.9555 email
Gerald Daugherty, Travis County Commissioner Precinct 3 512.854.9333 email
Brigid Shea, Travis County Commissioner Precinct 2 512.854.9222 email
Jeff Travillion, Travis County Commissioner Precinct 1 512.854.9111 email
Cynthia Long, Williamson County Commissioner Precinct 2 512.260.4280 email
Thank you and best regards,
Brian Thompto (chair@steinerranchna.org)
Learn more: steinerranchna.org/fund-rm620/