Meeting 2017 Recap: Including Next Steps for RM620
You can view the PDF of the meeting presentation here: MEETING_PDF
Video footage of the meeting will be up tomorrow (Thursday 1/26/17).
Thank you to all who attended, supported and promoted the Community Meeting!
We had a full house at Canyon Ridge Middle School and made a strong impression on our guests and elected officials. We heard from a comprehensive panel discussing transportation and related issues and learned of a path forward to get the next round of RM620 improvements into plan. It seems we have a window where the money will be there, the plan options are there from TxDOT, and everyone in the room supported taking the next steps beyond the “bypass” project to improve safety and mobility for years to come (6 lanes with median and eventually express lanes). Now we need to cement support for moving forward aggressively by keeping up the pressure until we get a comprehensive plan to build out the improvements TxDOT presented for RM620 in a timely manner. We will need to work with our elected officials, surrounding communities and CAMPO to get this done – but based on the turnout this evening we are up to the task and we have support from our representatives.
For these improvements to happen, we will need your help as a community, so please take the time to do the following:
- If you were at the meeting, please provide feedback here so we can confirm support and gather concerns: CLICK HERE TO PROVIDE FEEDBACK
- Register your email so we can keep in touch to coordinate action: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER
- Consider a donation to SRNA: CLICK HERE TO DONATE
- Consider a nomination to the SRNA Board of Directors so you can help shape these issues and more: CLICK HERE FOR BOARD
January 25, 2017 Community Meeting – Interactive Page
- Register your email. So we can keep you informed
- We also accept donations.
Register and donate in one step (that’s what keeps us going).
(if you contribute or make a contribution please pick up some decals as a courtesy from an SRNA board member or helper) - Fill out the nomination form – to join our board of directors and help shape issues for our community.
- Fill out the meeting feedback form – either as the meeting goes forward or afterward.