Speak up: RM 620 / FM 2222 out of CAMPO 2020 Plan
ACT by June 29, 2016 – see below.
Traffic relief along the RM 620 corridor will happen in multiple steps – TxDOT believes the first and most critical step is the restructuring of the RM 620 / FM 2222 intersection and the widening of FM 2222. In fact, all of the other RM 620 improvements studied have assumed these improvements as a prerequisite. Click here to learn more on what this project is and why it is good for West Austin.
This RM 620 / FM 2222 project will benefit neighbors and businesses by improving flow and reducing traffic back-ups. This plan has previously been presented to our community and has been discussed widely in area news coverage as well. The plan has wide conceptual support from elected officials as well but currently lacks funding. The construction could possibly start as soon as 2019 if funding was identified.
Because funding for this critical project has not yet been identified, it was removed on June 9th from the CAMPO regional TIP or Transportation Improvement Plan for 2017 – 2020. This means it is not currently slated to be constructed when plans are ready and could wait additional years to be implemented.
You can speak up in support of funding and including the “RM 620 / FM 2222 intersection and widening improvements” in the 2017-2020 TIP by sending an email to campo@campotexas.org or by sending US mail to “CAMPO, PO Box 1088, Austin, Texas 78767”. If you want the improvements back in plan you should ask for them to be funded and included. This must be done by June 29, 2016 to be included in the official record.
You are also encouraged to contact your city, county and state representatives to voice your support and to encourage them to fund this critical project. The key to this project is a cooperative funding agreement between the City of Austin, Travis County and TXDOT. For this to happen soon, we need the City of Austin to step up and provide the primary funding for the project via its 2016 transportation bond (learn more on Austin’s transportation bond HERE). Without this support including significant funding from the City of Austin plus contributing funding from Travis County and TXDOT the project will be delayed, likely by years.
Please use constructive language when addressing the representatives – we are asking for their help – (attacking them does not encourage them to help us). Use your communication to tell them why it is important to have the improvements – how does it impact growth in our area, businesses and quality of life.
Contact with feedback on CAMPO 2020 TIP plan:
CAMPO campo@campotexas.org
Contact with the need to fund improvements on RM620 corridor and FM2222:
Contact the City of Austin Council
Steve Adler – Austin Mayer steve.adler@austintexas.gov
John-Michael Cortez (Chief of Staff) john-michael.cortez@austintexas.gov
Robert Spillar (Transportation) robert.spillar@austintexas.gov
Kazique Prince (Public Safety) kazique.prince@austintexas.gov
Brandi Burton (Mobility) brandi.burton@austintexas.gov
Marc Ott — City Manager marc.ott@austintexas.gov
Sherry Gallo – Austin District 10 tina.cannon@austintexas.gov
Don Zimmerman – Austin District 6 joe.petronis@austintexas.gov
Sarah Eckhardt – Travis County Jundge sarah.eckhardt@traviscountytx.gov
Brigid Shea – Travis County Commissioner (2) brigid.shea@traviscountytx.gov
Gerald Daugherty – Travis County Commissioner (3) gerald.daugherty@traviscountytx.gov
Paul Workman – Texas State Representative paul.workman@house.texas.gov
Donna Howard – Texas State Representative donna.howard@house.texas.gov